
Expert Electronics News !!!

Hi everyone!
We would like to share with you a review from a SunSDR2 DX user:
At the beginning of January there was a grand opening of the collective radio station of Stupino R2HX (former callsigns UA3KRO, UK3DAQ, UZ3DWR, RK3DWR). At the station there are theoretical and practical classes to attract young people to radio sports - teaching the basics of communication (analog and digital), soldering and designing skills, CW operation. Club members actively participate in Russian and world competitions and memorials, defending the honor of Stupino district of Moscow region.
At the very beginning of our path to organize a collective radio station, we faced an important question - what short-wave transceiver (the heart of the Club) to buy for the station? There were several criteria:
1. The device should be reliable, well-proven in the radio amateur environment.
2. The transceiver must be new.
3. The presence of panorama and waterfall is mandatory.
4. A built-in sound card for FT8 operation.
5. Ability to organize remote operation.
6. Availability to control an external PA and tuner.
7. Output power of HF transmitter - 100W.
Having analyzed the market (including proposals for parallel import) we realized that the SunSDR2 DX transceiver not only meets all our requirements, but also has on board VHF, which greatly expands its capabilities and relevance to the collective station. In fact, we have a multifunctional (multi-band, multi-mode) modern device, which is just right for training needs (due to the gorgeous panorama and a huge number of program settings of the signal) and comfortable participation in contests (which was confirmed by the recent Russian DX Contest).
Another advantage is the fact that the development of software and hardware is carried out by our engineers, making the product completely domestic, which cannot but cause pride in the process of making connections. Most of the correspondents note the gorgeous (studio) signal on transmission. For 3 months of work on this device (mostly on weekends) members of our Club have confirmed QSOs from more than 150 countries and territories of the world, and continue this exciting journey into the World of Radio, receiving only positive emotions from the use of transceiver SunSDR2 DX!
On behalf of the Club, I express our gratitude to the administration of Expert Electronics and personally to Roman Volchkov for flexible approach and discount!
With respect, the head of the collective radio station, Dmitry Kuznetsov (R2HW).